6 Things You Should Do When You Get the Acceptance Letter
By: Diana Carrillo and Viivi Silvennoinen

Did you get your letter of acceptance to a university in Stockholm? Congratulations! Not sure what to do next? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We have gathered the most important things you need to do now.
Accept your study place.
This is done either through University Admissions or through instructions found in the letter of acceptance. Then, stay tuned. Your university will contact you in the coming weeks with important information. Some universities offer a pre-departure dinner in your country so you get to know other students who will be coming with you. Also keep an eye out for your university’s information about welcome activities. Some universities also invite you to online webinars, so you get to know more about your new university, accommodation, and student life.
Start looking for accommodation.
If your university doesn’t provide accommodation, it’s possible to either rent from student housing (SSSB) or private. Sign up to be placed at the SSSB queue NOW. Trust us, you’ll thank us later. Yes, it says that you have to be a member of a student union, but you can accumulate up to 90 days without being one. After that, your days freeze so just remember to sign up on your first day of school! This does not apply if you’re only coming for one semester though. If you are looking for private accommodation, Blocket is a good place to search for it.
Apply for a visa and residence permit.
Rules for visas and residence permits for international students in Sweden vary depending on your country of citizenship. Study in Sweden has listed useful guidelines here. If applicable, you must have applied for and been granted a residence permit before entering Sweden. You do that at Migrationsverket’s website where you can also find more information. As an EU citizen, you have the right to work, study or live in Sweden without a residence permit.
Pay your tuition fee.
If it applies, remember to pay the invoice for your tuition fee before the deadline. If the tuition fee is not paid within the deadline, you will lose your place.
Book your tickets.
Once you get an accommodation or a date for when you want to arrive to Stockholm, buy your plane tickets (or train tickets if you’re an environmentally friendly student <3)! Some universities have their own welcoming committees at the airport on specific dates, so check that out, it can be really helpful!
Apply for scholarships.
You can look for them in your home country, your university, Erasmus program (if you’re a student from an EU/EEA country) and the Swedish Institute.
When you have arrived in Stockholm
Add your details to the Swedish Population Register at their website. They have different specifications depending on your country of origin and good advice!
Book an appointment at the Swedish Migration Agency if you haven’t had your fingerprints and picture taken for your residence permit.
Don’t forget to register for SSSB!
Stay tuned for all fun activities and welcoming events!